Thursday 14 July 2016

10 JUNE .2016.Moral Studies-Chapter 2 Ethical and Value Concept

Date;10 June 2016
Chapter 2-Ethical and Value Concept

to understand defination of morality
to know the value of moral studies

group activities
the great general election 2011
form > 1 political parties based on ideologies of your own choice
the elected politiacal parties must then propose changes or no changes and argue why they are necesary to the youshu code of conduct for moral studies class

goup of people
at least 2 political parties
the media
the public non partisan and non participatory you are free to study during this period

You have 5 minutes to get into the groups of you choice and to choose respecctve leaders where necessary

the political parties have  10 minutes to discuss in their groups to outline their campaign strategy for redefining the codes

the mdia have 2 minutes to present the views of the political parties

haters get 3 minutes to speak before the public makes thir vote

election takes place by vote. the public will vote for which party and which ideal they prefer

the Yoshua code of conduct for moral studies class

Ethic / Morals

Normative Statement
Deontic judgement-judgement of right or wrong

Aretaic judgement

Ethics are moral principle that regulate behavior, included philosophical study of right and wrong, which is often divided into three parts.
  1. Descriptive ethics talks about what people do. 
  2. Normative ethics is concerned with sets of rules that guide people to know what they should do; it may prescribe action or character or consequences. Aretaic and Deontic ethics are two systems of normative ethics.
  3. Metaethics thinks analytically about the meaning, cultural relevance, proofs and rationality of normative ethics.

Deontic judgment
based on human reason
looks at the input rather than the outcome

Aretaic judgment
assessment of right and wrong depends on a person character of virues

deontic asks the qustion
what should i do and what should i not do
right and wrong depand upon and set of priciple based on human reaosn or religion form

aretaic asks the question
"what sort of person should be"?

a define virtues and says right acts are those performed by virtues people regardless of the consequences

Extrinsic VS Intrinsic

instrument value
the value of which depends on how much it generates instrict value
example : generate happiness

for its own sake
can be measured

Subjective VS Objective Value
personal vs public opinion

Relative vs Absolute Values
- Differ and can change over time VS constant at tall times and in all place

Moral Studies 
Tutorial 2: Ethical and Value Concept
Date:10th June 2016,Friday
Name: Lau Phia Choon (Karen)

Question 1
Jenny seems to see her lie as a simple case of manipulating an unfair system. Is there anything wrong with manipulating the system? Is her strategy fair to the other students in her business management class?

Jenny lying in order to have extra personal time to do revision before the exam which is unfair for the others students considering every student are granted equally time for preparation before the exam.

We shall not allow the students to manipulate the system as it would create further wrong doing in order to achieve their personal objectives with an unfair way which would spoil the image of academic world.

Lie is wrong doing as refer to command moral practice in our society, even though our legal system didn't have the punishment mechanism for lying. 

Question 2
Jenny seems to justify her behavior with a vague idea that unfair differences between people (such as wealth) that have nothing to do with effort of intelligence should not be reflected in their grades. What do you think about her claim that she deserves more time to study than other students because they do not have to earn their own money?

Before we go further the reason Jenny miss use the benefit, back to the point where she must do a plan to manage her time better before enroll the course.

Time management is the key as everyone get 24 hours a day, none of the other students get more than 24 hours a day. In addition, how would we know that others students did not tight up with their personal matter as well. If every students thinks of their own way and own benefit then this would be a big challenge as the Make-up examination been set up to support the real need (Real accident/ emergency) and not for personal benefit or own thoughts.

Question 3
Lying is a universally accepted bad moral value. Justify why lying is immoral and unethical.

I do agree that lying is an acceptable universally bad moral value, as we perceive a human by its word, integrity need to be earned by constantly act the word we preach. Lying will lead to bad reputation and spoil the trust among others.

However, sometimes White Lie somehow serves good value to the communities. For example sometimes we need to avoid telling the truth that might caused more trouble consequences such as avoid telling the true to the son passed away in a car accident to father who are currently suffering heart attack, as the truth might caused another bad consequences.

Lying is immoral however; sometimes the intention of telling the lie may not be so bad, so we must always distinguish the intention of our action and put the consequences into consideration.
For our actions to be good, our intention must be good. The noblest intention cannot make an intrinsically evil action a good action. Stealing from the rich to help the poor ala Robin Hood is still stealing. The idea of “the ends justify the means” is very common today.

In conclusion, we should know that morality of every human act is determined by the objects, the circumstances and the intention. If anyone of the three is evil, then the human act in question is evil and should be avoided.

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