Thursday 14 July 2016

15 June 2016.Economic-Chapter 3 Customer Behavior

Date:15 June 2016
Chapter 3-Customer Behavior

The Theory of Consumer Behavior

The principle assumption upon which the theory of
consumer behavior and demand is built is: a consumer
attempts to allocate his/her limited money income
among available goods and services so as to maximize
his/her utility (satisfaction).

Utility - amount of satisfaction derived from the consumption
of a commodity ….measurement units  utils

Theories of Consumer Choice

Utility Concepts:

The Cardinal Utility Theory (TUC)

Utility is measurable in a cardinal sense

cardinal utility - assumes that we can assign values for utility,
(Jevons, Walras, and Marshall). E.g., derive 100 utils from eating
a slice of pizza

The Ordinal Utility Theory (TUO)

Utility is measurable in an ordinal sense

ordinal utility approach - does not assign values, instead works
with a ranking of preferences. (Pareto, Hicks, Slutsky)

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